Monday, December 17, 2007

The Powder Saga Rages On--December 16 Nor'easter Moves In

Smuggs felt like home today. I ran into Ben Bloom first thing in the upper lot gearing up. There were two people in the lift line when I pulled up...just happened to be two of my good buddies. Lost them first run, oh well. Made a couple solo. Deep, deep powder in the woods. Got stuck. Decided I needed people to ride woods with. Gotta go steep or have someone else's track to help out at times. I just don't carry enough weight to plow through when the pitch lessens.

So I went into the bar to warm up, dry out some gear by the fire and run into someone. Saw many friends and made a couple of new ones. Ripped the top of M1 lift line to Robin's Run. Dropped big, compressed my knee (sore, but useable). Made another run that started at the tippy top of fis, what's that called again? Dipped into some too tight trees, but when it opened up, oh boy! Sick powder, steep chutes...the theme for the rest of the day. Took a break around noon to pop 1000mg of bufferin (thought I was buying ibuprophen one hung over morning on the way to the mtn) and dig out my knee brace. Mmmm...compression, the good kind. I did a few test bends and walked around for a little while, decided I was good to go and headed back out...or rather out back.

The chutes off the pond were still fluffy. Sweet ride down. Perfect turns. The knee worked beautifully. Not last run yet. Hiked out, worm holed, dropped in...soooo steep...soooo much snow...mandatory 8-10 with a stomped and stuck landing (I always nail that's my favorite cliff)...gentle slope the rest of the way to 108, rode it hard and fast. That was it. 3:15 looked like beer-thirty. Cheers to yet another epic December day.

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